Table of Contents

Remote Debugging in Node

When we say remote debugging what we generally mean is checking at log messages, how system behave in a given input.

But after this article we will be able to do debugging as we do in our local environment and that can be helpful if we have some dependencies which are not available in our local machine, be it a cluster based like kubernetes when you dont have liberty to deploy every single app on your local machine or there was some case where you are not sure about the behaviour,

Lets get started.

Run server node process with –inpsect

So first thing we will have to do is run our node process with –inspect

node --inspect <script.js>

Node.js process will now listen to incoming debug clients. The debug clients here we generally have is vscode when we try to debug our apps during development.

The port on which it listens is 9229. So full url is ws://

So let's run it in a project and assume it is server.


SSH Port forwarding from local to remote

Lets say we have a server details like subham@ So ssh into that server with

ssh -L 9221:localhost:9229 subham@

The 9229 is the same port that node.js process is listening on. So we forwarding 9221 of dev machine to 9229 or server.

Configure local port pointed to remote




Click on Open dedicated DevTools for Node


Click on add connection and add port of dev machine which is 9221. So that will be localhost:9221

Opening sources section will have the source code that we have in our server. chrome-source.png

Hit the Endpoint and Debug

Now to debug, we can fire request to that server and the debugger will be able to stop at that breakpoint.


and we have


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