Table of Contents


Object Destructuring

// in react components props can be destructured at method parameter level
// React component names must be capitalized.
const GreetingMessage  = ({message, from}) =>  {

    return (

export default GreetingMessage;

Rendering Arrays

  {, i) =>
    <li key={i}>
// not recommended and can create undesired problems
// even if it seems to be working just fine.
// use id of entities


The promise is pending: It means that the final value (one of the following two) is not available yet.

The promise is fulfilled: It means that the operation has completed and the final value is available, which generally is a successful operation. This state is sometimes also called resolved.

The promise is rejected: It means that an error prevented the final value from being determined, which generally represents a failed operation.


We have already used [state hooks]( that were introduced along with React version [16.8.0](, which provide state to React components defined as functions - the so-called functional components. Version 16.8.0 also introduces the [effect hooks]( as a new feature. As per the official docs:

> The Effect Hook lets you perform side effects in function components. Data fetching, setting up a subscription, and manually changing the DOM in React components are all examples of side effects.

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import axios from 'axios'
import Note from './components/Note'

const App = () => {
  const [notes, setNotes] = useState([])
  const [newNote, setNewNote] = useState('')
  const [showAll, setShowAll] = useState(true)

        useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => {
        console.log('promise fulfilled')
  }, [])
  console.log('render', notes.length, 'notes')
        // ...

Initializing data from API

// your action.js file
/// //////////////////////
export const initializeNotes = () => {
  return async dispatch => {
    const notes = await noteService.getAll()
      type: 'INIT_NOTES',
      data: notes,

export const createNote = content => {
  return async dispatch => {
    const newNote = await noteService.createNew(content)
      type: 'NEW_NOTE',
      data: newNote,

// component file
useEffect(() => {


Unit Testing

[Organizing Tests in Jest](

npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom
import { render } from "@testing-library/react";
import Chat from "./chat";

test('should render person and image of chat', () => {

    const person = {"id": 1, "person": "about",
        "imageSrc": ""};

    const chatComponent = render(<Chat person={person.person} imageSrc={person.imageSrc}
        onClick={() => console.log('hello')} />);

    const personName = chatComponent.container.querySelector(".person-name");



Handling Click Handlers

import { render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react";

test('should have click handler called upon clicking', () => {

                // arrange
    const person = {"id": 1, "person": "about",
        "imageSrc": ""};

    const mockHandler = jest.fn();
    const chatComponent = render(<Chat person={person.person} imageSrc={person.imageSrc}
        onClick={mockHandler} />);

          // act
                const personName = chatComponent.container.querySelector(".person-name");

                // assert


Test Coverage

CI=true npm test – –coverage

## E2E Testing using Cypress

```jsx npm install –save-dev cypress npm install eslint-plugin-cypress –save-dev

npm run cypress:open


```jsx describe('app', function() {

it('front page can be opened', function() { cy.visit('http://localhost:3000') cy.contains('subham') cy.contains('Hello Everyone') })

it('checking button clicked ', function() { cy.visit('http://localhost:3000') cy.get('#clicker').click() cy.contains('button clicked')


it('filling form', function() { cy.visit('http://localhost:3000') cy.get('input').type('hello world from cypress')




```jsx cy.request('POST', 'http://localhost:3001/api/login', { username: 'mluukkai', password: 'salainen' }).then(response => { localStorage.setItem('loggedNoteappUser', JSON.stringify(response.body)) cy.visit('http://localhost:3000') }) ```

```jsx debugger() ```

running cypress from cli

`"test:e2e": "cypress run"`

## State management with Redux

[Fullstack part6 |](

[Fundamentals of Redux Course from Dan Abramov](

## PropTypes

to enforce type to components which will be passed in props PropTypes package can be used.

```jsx import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const LoginForm = ({ handleSubmit, handleUsernameChange, handlePasswordChange, username, password }) => { // … }

LoginForm.propTypes = { handleSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired, handleUsernameChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, handlePasswordChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, username: PropTypes.string.isRequired, password: PropTypes.string.isRequired } ```

## Testing React apps

Mocking module functions

```bash import { shuffleVert } from 'matrix'; const shuffleVertRef = { shuffleVert }; let spyShuffleVert;

beforeEach(() => { spyShuffleVert = jest.spyOn(shuffleVertRef, "shuffleVert"); }

afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }

it('should shuffle the rows of the entire matrix with no argument for columns', () = { let srcMatrix = [ { number: 1, word: 'one' }, { number: 2, word: 'two' }, { number: 3, word: 'three' } ];

shuffleVert(srcMatrix); expect(spyShuffleVert).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); } ```

## react hooks

[React Hooks Tutorial](





## Gatsby

```bash npm install -g gatsby-cli gatsby new portfolio


gastsy-link → for link

react-helmet → for head info

```bash gastsy develop


export const redirectTo404 = (locale = 'en-sg') => {
  window.location = `${window.location.origin}/${locale}/404`

import { redirectTo404 } from 'utils/redirectTo404'

describe('redirectTo404', () => {
  global.window = Object.create(window)
  const url = 'http://localhost/'
  Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', {
    value: {
      origin: url
    writable: true
  test('should redirect', () => {

Absolute imports in react

Confifuring JEST For ESM Modules based repos

configure jest for you Node.js backend project, lambdas for ESM based repos

  1. Installation
npm install jest
  1. setting up jest.config.json
    "transform": {}

this will not transform your source code which is helpful if you are mocking your dependencies while writing unit tests.

  1. Test Scripts
"scripts": {
    "test-watch": "node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --watch",
    "test": "node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js",

Why –experimental-vm-modules? [Official Doc](

  1. Testing specific files

```bash npm run test-watch src/get-file/index.test.js ```