Table of Contents
console.log("hello wordld");
Express Routing & Middleware
import express from 'express'; import {JsBin} from './db.js'; const dbReadKey = process.env.JSBIN_ACCESS_KEY || "$2b$10$ZT0hO3hBks9DS34Q/wljm.iRbwDGm91hSrvhP9WqHGE6dU13bZt.u"; const db = new JsBin(dbReadKey); const app = express(); let todos = [ { id: 1, isComplete: true, name : 'do sometgin'}, { id: 2, isComplete: true, name : 'do sometgin'}, { id: 3, isComplete: false, name : 'do sometgin'}, { id: 4, isComplete: false, name : 'do sometgin'}, { id: 5, isComplete: false, name : 'do sometgin'}, ] const constants = { DB_READ_KEY: process.env.JSBIN_ACCESS_KEY };
middleware are functions that called before the routing, has access to req, res and next. next() must be called or else the route handlers won't get called and client will timeout app.use() need to be called to enable the middleware [x] next, calls the next middleware
const logger = (req, res, next) => { = new Date(); console.log('logger | requestId',; next(); } app.use(logger);
Route Handlers
we can have app(routeString, handler1(req, res)) app(routeString, middleware(req, res, next), handler2(req, res)) app(routeString, middleware(req, res, next), , , handler2(req, res)) app(routeString, [middleware(req, res, next), handler2(req, res)])
app.get('/', rootInputHandler, rootController, rootOutputHandler); app.get('/array', [rootInputHandler, rootController, rootOutputHandler]); app.get('/partialarray', rootInputHandler, [rootController, rootOutputHandler]);
Query Parameters
req.query gives us access to query parameters
app.get('/ml/random/', rootInputHandler, (req, res) => { const min = parseInt(req.query.min); const max = parseInt(req.query.min); console.log(max) res.send({ num: (min + max) / 2}) });
this gives a mini-app, modular way to organize resources.
- can also have middleware which deals with only its routes
const pdfRouter = express.Router(); pdfRouter.use((req, res, next) => { console.log("pdfRouter | middleware"); next(); });
Route parameters
[x] path, ':name can be accesed via req.params will have obj {name: name in url} to download it using curl curl -o {yourfilename} url
pdfRouter.get('/:name', rootInputHandler, (req, res) => {`pdf/${}`) });
Response Object
- json
- send
- sendStatus
- download
- redirect
app.get('/v1/:name', rootInputHandler, (req, res) => { res.redirect(`../../pdf/${}`) }); app.use('/pdf', pdfRouter); app.get('/gf/', rootInputHandler, (req, res) => { res.sendStatus(404) });
storing them in a jsonbin
app.get('/waifu/', rootInputHandler, async (req, res) => { const binName = '63353f49e13e6063dcb9c0a8'; const waifus = await db.readBin(binName); res.send(waifus); });
route level middleware
const isValid = () => parseInt(Math.random() * 10) % 2 == 0; function rootInputHandler(req, res, next) { console.log("routeInputHandler middleware",; if (isValid()) { next() } else { console.log('routeInputHandler | invalid input'); res.send('invalid input'); } } function rootController (req, res, next) { console.log("route controller ",; = {'message': 'hello world'}; next(); }
built in middleware
- - express static serve as a FTP server
const staticOptions = { "index": true, "extensions": ["html", "pdf"] }; app.use("/web/", express.static("public", staticOptions)); app.use("/doc/", express.static("pdf", staticOptions)); // express.json middleware to parse json payload app.use(express.json({limit:"1mb"}));
- Response Object
- */
const port = 8080; app.listen(port, () => { console.log('server listening on port', port); });