Table of Contents



Session 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Session 1 Nov 3, 2022

Session 2 Nov 4, 2022

Session 3 Nov 8, 2022



what is kubernetes

container orchestration platform for deploying, managing and analyzing containers. written in go

developed by google for managing container based deployment which gained traction due to microservice architecture with large no of services deployed.

manage 100s to 1000s of container application in different environments

we can have N master and M worker

masters are resposible for managing workers which run applications.

  • api server container, entry point of kubernetes cluster UI, API, CLI will talk to api server
  • controller manager
  • scheduler deploys container in worker node
  • etcd Key-value store for whole cluster responsible for backup/restore

Virtual network

  • kublet (communication, running application) N no of docker containers can run
  • pod abstraction layer over containers per application 1 pode which runs more than 1 container of application. each pod have its own IP address
    • ephemeral components so they can die. when gets recreated they get new IP. so communication happens via service. service
      • IP adddress
      • load balancer

main k8s components

  • node and pod abstraction over a container. so replacement can be done with docker, kvm or any contaienization tech

    1 application / pod

    1 db | IPA 1 app server | IPB

    each pod get ip address IPA and IPB are used for communication

  • service due to ephemeral nature of pods and reassigment of IP address service are used.

    1 db | service 1 app server | service

    service are of types external, internal external for public facing and internal for private containers.

    also act has load balancer

  • Ingress forward DNS to IP address to have readable DNS for ip address, is used
  • configmap and secret

    lets say we want to connect to some api in our application and that changes. one way to change it to update the config files in build app image, push it to repo and run it in pod but thats a tedious job.

    what we can do is leverage configMap to store these sort of details and then use configmap service in pod to get those values.

    secret is like configmap but its for sensitive data like passwords, keys etc.

  • volumes

    if we run db and restart it the data will be gone. for persisting data like for logs, db we use volumes which attaches pod to the data external storage, which might be local storage, remote outside of k8s cluster.

    k8s dont manage data persistance

  • Deployment and statefulset

    we dont deploy pods but a blueprint of application called deployment. it has configuration which specifies replicas so if 1 replica goes down other can handle the requests, the service is talking to multiple replicas and act as a load balancer. this way application can scale as well be available.

    deployment is used for deploying stateless applications.

    Statful applications like databases cannot be deployed using this strategy because they will run into data inconsistency as when handling requests because the synchonization is not happening between the persistance layer of multiple pods. To solve this problem we have Stateful set to deploy stateful applications. Deploying Stateful Applications using StatefulSet is difficult and often run ouside K8s Cluster

k8s architecture

minikube and kubectl

main kubectl commands - k8s CLI

K8s YAML Configuration file

Hands on Demo


K8s Namesspaces - organizer your components

k8s ingress

Helm - package manager

Volums - pesisting in k8s

K8s statefulset - deploment stateful apps

k8s services typs for different usecases